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  • Writer's pictureMadhavi Latha Prathigudupu

Walk the talk

I was invited for D,E&I roundtable which was arranged on 28th September, 2022 by NASSCOM in partnership with Fiserv.

Audience: Global capability center heads across industry segments

A few months ago, I wrote an article-

In that, I used an illustration in which a group of senior leaders discuss on the topic 'how to include persons with disabilities' in a conference room. On the contrary to the topic, a wheelchair user waits outside the conference room as there was no access for that person to the meeting.

At this meeting, I've experienced the exact opposite scenario to that mentioned in the above article. I was inside a meeting while senior leaders were discussing on this topic. I wasn't just participating, they made me feel like I was the chair person of the meeting. I'm grateful for the experience. A Very senior leader from Fiserv, Gopakumar Subramonian had a fireside chat with me on various aspects of inclusion. He conducted the whole conversation so brilliantly that it turned out to be one of the best productive exchange of ideas that I've had on this topic. My views and suggestions were very well received by all the leaders.

This is a great initiative by NASSCOM & FISERV !

Listening to the people whom we want to include is the key recommendation I will always advocate. They perfectly implemented this.

I am very much impressed with the hospitality of Fiserv senior leaders Srini Krish, Gopakumar Subramonian and their team members.

Thanks a ton to Guhan A R S from NASSCOM, Srini, Gopa and concerned team from Fiserv and other participants of the meet for making me feel so comfortable.

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